Taliloquay School of Energy Remedies

What they can do for you

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The development of flower essences for holistic therapy is a system of the future because it is an advanced system of healing with energy.

~Hilarion, Chohan of the 5th Ray of Higher Sciences, in Gurudas: Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing


Chakras are the energy centers of our body's electrical system. Life force enters our bodies through these centers. This course includes simple exercises to clear, harmonize and balance your major chakras. Most are short and may be added easily to your daily routine.


  1. Slide show-What are chakras
  2. Chakra balancing using toning and essences
  3. Chakra balancing using hand movements and toning
  4. Chakra balancing with pendulums
  5. Chakra balancing on another
  6. Meditation to balance chakras 12-1, bringing in energy from Source through your own I Am Presence/Higher Self
  7. Diagrams of chakras and subtle

All are downloadable. Check out this course and register by clicking on the course image.

Making Flower Essences course is now available.

Essences are a simple, safe and very powerful way to enhance your life experience and promote your health and spiritual wellbeing and growth.